Clyde Hill News: Budget Deficit, Police, and Code Enforcement update
Also: ballot return stats; solid waste bills to go up 3%
This week’s newsletter offers an update in response to reader questions about budget, code enforcement, and the situation with police and the City Administration.
First, an update about Clyde Hill voters returning their ballots for the November General Election going on right now. You can see the latest results here (link).
Reminder that ballots are due November 8th. It is not too late to register to vote — more information about that here (link).
One more item before our disclaimer: if you find this newsletter useful or interesting, please forward it to your Clyde Hill neighbors and friends. Thank you!
Disclaimer: while I am a councilmember on the Clyde Hill City Council, I write this newsletter in my capacity as an individual resident. Any opinions expressed are my own and not necessarily the position of the City. The information and references here are from public sources. I welcome email responses — and if the topic is about City business I will respond from my City email account.
Solid waste rates to increase
From the Administrator’s Weekly Report (link):
“Republic Services has sent us the solid waste rates for 2023. There will be a fixed 3% increase in the collection fee in accordance with our contract…. The updated rates will be posted on Republic Service’s website for Clyde Hill residents by November 15th.”
Budget deficit update
The City budget process continues with Councilmembers Steve Friedman and Bruce Jones spending many, many hours with city staff working through details. The next public meeting on the topic is Tuesday, November 8th.
Last week I got a request to “recap, without going into the weeds, what the deal is with the budget deficit.” I hope this is clearer than what I’ve written previously — feedback welcome.
Clyde Hill runs a budget deficit: its planned expenditures are larger than its revenues.
Clyde Hill balances its budget by spending its reserves to cover the gap between revenues and expenditures.
The reserves Clyde Hill is spending to balance the budget reflect one-time exceptional revenue from Bellevue School District construction in Clyde Hill. (Clyde Hill has other recent one-time exceptional revenue in the form of “American Rescue Plan Act” (ARPA) funds.)
More specifics on the budget deficit, from a previous newsletter (link):
The Administration’s proposed budget for 2023 includes a planned deficit of over $450,000 (link) while proposing additional staffing and a new city hall. The Administration reports that it expects to finish 2022 with a deficit in excess of $270,000; this follows deficits of ~$50,000 in 2021 and ~$100,000 in 2020 (link).
More specifics about Bellevue School District construction projects in Clyde Hill that provided the reserves (link):
Over the last ten years, the sales tax from two major construction projects created revenue spikes that enabled Clyde Hill to keep spending as it has: the Chinook Middle School construction project (the purple bar below) and the Clyde Hill Elementary construction project (the green bar below).
Finally, as to how construction projects and reserves are related: the City of Clyde Hill collects sales tax on every item purchased and delivered to a Clyde Hill address, from Amazon packages to nails, lumber, and windows for construction projects. From the City’s website (link):
By far the most important sales tax revenue source for the City comes from contractors building new homes and major remodeling projects.
The plan for a sustainable budget
There isn’t one yet.
From the last page of the Administration’s August 2022 memo to the Budget Advisory Committee (link):
[T]he City has been operating at a deficit for the past few years…. Previous Councils and Administrations have not successfully addressed this issue, and further action is required.
In response to the absence of specifics or even a “plan for a plan,” Councilmembers Friedman and Jones volunteered to dig in to the details and work with the Administration to figure something out. We should hear more at the next meeting on November 8th.
Code enforcement recap
I got a similar request to “recap, without going into the weeds” the issues around code enforcement.
Briefly, the Administration
enforced land use code inconsistently, seeming to favor some residents and disadvantage others, and
did not provide a clear statement of its complaint and enforcement policy around its land use code (e.g. hedges and landscaping)
Some examples:
The City investigated 6 inch tall plantings in front of one resident’s house, visiting the site, sending multiple emails, and engaging the City Attorney.
The City granted extensions to another resident with trailers in front of his house. Trailers are typically limited to 48 hours (link); the City granted one resident an extension for more than a month.
Discussion at City Council meetings on this topic started in 2021 in response to resident concerns about the Administration’s approach to enforcement. The Mayor and City Administrator refused to take action, denying that there was a problem. For example, in June 2022, the Mayor published a memo (link) stating: “City Councilmembers have all stated that they believe there is a problem with code enforcement. As Mayor, I do not.”
Eventually, the Mayor and City Administrator relented. Councilmembers Steve Friedman and Dean Hachamovitch (me) have been working with staff to clarify and streamline enforcement policy. You can see some of the work in progress here (link).
Police issues
Clyde Hill Police and public safety are very important to the community. Because there have been so many issues over the last few months, I’ll try to “recap, without going into the weeds” the concerns that have emerged.
An exit interview with a departing Clyde Hill police officer indicated “a clear lack of trust in the administration.” (link)
A letter from the union representing Clyde Hill police officers alleged “dereliction of duty” by the Mayor and City Administrator and raised other concerns about the Administration, including misrepresenting facts to the police and mishandling of City documents (link). In response to the union’s letter, a letter from City’s “designated bargaining representative” alleged issues with the union’s letter. The City Administrator also sent an email response; that response does not appear to be available as a public document at this time. (link)
The City Council unanimously approved a resolution asking the Mayor and City Administrator to acknowledge and address the ongoing “serious problem” between them and Clyde Hill’s police officers. (link)
The Chair of Clyde Hill’s Civil Service Commission called out that “We risk losing more Clyde Hill police officers” unless the Administration addresses the serious problem between them and Clyde Hill’s police officers. (link)
The Mayor and City Administrator have not yet offered specifics or a plan for a plan regarding these concerns.
Thanks for reading! Please forward and share with your friends and neighbors, and if you are not already getting this newsletter, subscribing is both easy and free.
Dean Hachamovitch