For anyone interested in understanding “what to expect and when” for the planned review of the City’s Land Use Code, here’s a lightly edited transcript from the December 2021 Clyde Hill City Council meeting along with the original video.
(For context, this work stream is part of the mandatory updating of the City’s Comprehensive Plan. The City has identified chapters of the municipal code with what it calls “significant deficiencies” that it will address first (document below). For more background, previous newsletters covered the topic here and here.)
“What to expect and when”
So again, reminding the council that you've already given us five chapters that we will be going to planning commission [with] in Q1 2022 -- but also while this is happening (and part of the reason why we have moved forward with the RFQ selection): the planning consultant.
The planning consultant is going to be aiding us with our primary goal this year of comp[rehensive] plan update. It may or may not get done in 2022.
But in the same time, the planning consultant we are hoping to utilize that individual or firm to assist us with the review of the chapters that you prioritize tonight…
And how this will happen is:
staff will go in with the city attorney
we will make changes that are for the administration of the code, that we have previously had code interpretations on and
legal will review it to make sure it is legally compliant with case law and state law and federal law and
Then what's going to happen is: whatever waves you choose to prioritize these will then come in front of the council in draft ordinance formula much like they did last month with those five chapters.
You will then take it upon yourselves to make the changes that you want to send to the planning commission.
And then it goes off to the planning commission: they do a public hearing. There's outreach. They perform that function and then when they're done it comes back to you not once but unfortunately twice to, essentially, approve.
So just to make sure that council is aware of in terms of expectations that is what will be occurring.
Original video
City Memo: Title 17 (Land Use Code) Update (December 3, 2021)
City memo from this discussion concerning the Land Use Code chapters to review first. The motion passed at the meeting added 17.44 to these five other chapters.